chaplain in shop

Sharing God’s love in the workplace

Our Christian faith encourages us to come alongside and meet people where they are.

Chaplains are people of faith, from many faith traditions. In the UK chaplains are predominantly Christian.

Chaplaincy sounds like this is something for clergy or their equivalent (Priest, Minister, Rabbi, Imam) in a chapel, but in workplace chaplaincy it takes place out in the world of work, in many different workplaces, and is undertaken by a great range of people. Clergy can be chaplains, but so can other members of congregations and faith communities.

For all chaplains chaplaincy is about encountering God in the everyday, through the people they meet and the life stories, joys and struggles people share with them.

For Christians this is about sharing God’s love, as shown in Jesus Christ, with others in the context of one of the most basic of human experiences – the work that we do.

In some places not only will there be teams of chaplains drawn from a wide range of Christian Churches, there may be chaplains from other faiths, particularly where these are reflected in the local population as a whole. There is the common factor of our shared humanity, and that religious faith is important in the way we see and engage with the world, even if our faiths are different. Working alongside those of other faiths teaches us a great deal about our own faith as well as that of others. One thing all chaplains have in common is that they are available to all, whether the person they meet is of their own faith, another faith or has no faith connection at all.

other faiths

We live in a community of  many faiths and there are many people who have no faith.

There are many organisations and public bodies who welcome workplace chaplains who are able to serve the diversity of their communities and this would include chaplains from other faiths.
Many people express “no faith”  and the ability to meet their needs is also the role of the workplace chaplain.